
Principal investigators

All three PIs are sustainability scientists with a central role in the nascent field of post-growth research. Julia Steinberger is an ecological economist with training in physics, an expert on modelling social outcomes and provisioning systems. Jason Hickel  is a development studies scholar with training in anthropology and with a series of recent high-profile publications on unequal exchange and policies for post-growth. Giorgos Kallis  is a political ecologist, studying processes of socio-environmental transformation – from the Yellow vest or Indignado movements, to solidarity economies in Spain and Greece, and post-growth politics in the European Parliament.

Jason Hickel

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Jason’s research focuses on political economy and international development. His recent work has explored the drivers of poverty and inequality in the world economy, inequalities in material use and emissions, and dynamics of unequal exchange between the global North and global South. He is the author of “The Divide: A Brief Guide To Global Inequality And Its Solutions” and “Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save The World”

Julia Steinberger

Université de Lausanne

Julia travelled through physics and industrial ecology before landing as an ecological economist. She is interested in exploring the relationship between energy use and social outcomes, how much energy is required for decent living, and how provisioning systems can deliver better outcomes with less energy. Before REAL, she was the recipient of a Leverhulme Research Leadership Award for her research project “Living Well Within Limits”. She is a Lead Author for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report in Working Group 3.

Giorgos Kallis

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Giorgos is a political ecologist who is one of the main pioneers of research on degrowth.  He has published widely on this topic, and his recent research has turned to exploring the political conditions under which radical socio-ecological transformation can be achieved, including the social movements that may bring this about.  He is the author of “The Case for Degrowth” and of “Limits: Why Malthus Was Wrong, And Why Environmentalists Should Care”.

Other investigators


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